Supporting the GFDW means that you believe in the fight for equality and expansion of rights and opportunities for women across the state of Georgia.
Supporting the GFDW means that you appreciate our contributions as women and believe we should have a seat at the table and a voice in the decision-making process.
Supporting the GFDW means that you understand that lessons learned from mentoring and
leadership training can propel someone from the status of "candidate" to "elected official."
Supporting the GFDW means you value voter education and believe that EVERY eligible voter should have the opportunity to cast their ballot and have their voice heard in the election process.
Supporting the GFDW means that you want our group to grow through the addition of more chapters throughout the state to further our message and mission.
We ask YOU to empower US to keep fighting for our
shared values by making a donation in support of the
Georgia Federation of Democratic Women.